Caerphilly County Borough Council's Budget Proposal - Have your say!

The Leader of Caerphilly County Borough Council has unveiled a set of ambitious budget proposals for 2022/23.

Despite having to find around £17million to meet unavoidable inflationary cost pressures, the draft budget includes £10million of investment and protects frontline services from cuts as the authority recovers from the ongoing pandemic.

 The budget also includes a proposed Council Tax increase of 2.5%, which is well below the rate of inflation and the lowest increase for a number of years. It equates to a 59p weekly increase for an average band D property.

 Have your say on the proposals!

 Further information and an online survey can be found on the Caerphilly County Borough Council website – 

 The closing date for views on the budget proposals for 2022/23 is Sunday 13th February 2022.

 Paper copies of the survey can be picked up and returned to a local library.

For help completing the survey or to request alternative formats, please e-mail or call 01443 864404.

Rhydri, BedwasAdam AnkinCCBC, Budget